JOYkwondo Exercise #12: Food for Thought

joykwondo Exercise

Eat a healthy meal. Eating healthy is not just for losing weight or maintaining your beach bod. It does WONDERS for your mental health as well. Choose a meal that has plenty of colorful vegetables and lots of protein. It is important that you eat a meal that you actually enjoy, not something that feels like a torturous crash diet.  I have a food blog that encourages eating healthy, real food on a budget. Check it out for some inspiration:

It is important that you don’t pile the food onto your plate and stuff yourself into a food coma. You don’t need as much food as the restaurants lead you to believe. Eat just enough to satisfy your appetite, and then celebrate yourself for taking ownership of your health and treating your body and brain to the nutrients they crave so deeply. mmmmmmm.

Need a little more motivation for this exercise? There are a lot of documentaries out there that go into great detail about the importance of eating healthy and the miraculous effects that come as a result. Name some of your favorite food documentaries in the comments section below, or just tell us what you ate for your happy, healthy meal.

Remember to write a Joy Journal entry after dinner!

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